Ina Hiester
I grew up in the countryside in the western part of Germany. My idyllic childhood took place around my dad's fishponds and my mum's big organic garden. I was fed organic and healthy food ever since I can remember, and even though as a kid a did not always appreciate it, it has imprinted on me forever. When I grew older, I kept pursuing a healthy livestyle in harmony with nature and set this concept as my career path as well.
At Weleda I supplied the world with first class natural cosmetics and anthroposophic remedies. At lehmann natur I developped new products for the organic food segment and discovered my passion for marketing. I love telling the stories of my producers, who put their heart and soul into organic farming. So I decided to make this my main field of operation - and started 'organic matters' in 2018.
My work experience has given me a deep insight into the organic sector. I love writing, photography and filming. Besides being a native German speaker I am fluent in English, French, Spanish and Italian. Germany remains my 'home port', but most of the year I live my dream of a travelling storyteller with a minimum carbon footprint aboard a 42 feet sailing yacht in the Mediterranean.
Glaubwürdigkeit und Vertrauen sind Pflanzen, die auf dem Erdboden der Kommunikation wachsen.